The National Society recognizes the important role that volunteering plays in humanitarian work in helping to improve the life quality of the most vulnerable people; that’s the reason why it joins the task of strengthening the diversity of volunteers, as well as promoting their adherence and participation within the International Red Cross Movement without making distinction of race, ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, religion, disability or age; giving importance to the elimination of all kinds of physical, economic, cultural or social barriers that limit their free and voluntary participation.
The Volunteering Program seeks to establish an environment conducive to voluntary activity carried out within the National Society, promoting the dignity of volunteers and establishing a space that guarantees their duties and rights, through Protection, Promotion and Recognition.

What is a volunteer?
The Volunteering Program seeks to establish an environment conducive to voluntary activity carried out within the National Society, promoting the dignity of volunteers and establishing a space that guarantees their duties and rights, through protection, promotion and recognition.
What are the requirements to be a Guatemalan Red Cross’ volunteer?
Scan the next documents and send them to: voluntariado@cruzroja.gt
- Provide a photocopy of DPI (Guatemalan National Identification Number).
- Photocopy of criminal and police records
- Volunteering form (filled in)
- Two letters of recommendation.
- Valid Registro Nacional de Agresores Sexuales certificate.
- Induction course certificate to International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
- Form filled in.
- Provide a photocopy of the person in charge DPI
- Photocopy of Birth Certificate
- Authorization letter by the person in charge, authorizing the minor to be part of the Youth Red Cross Volunteering.
You must fill in the next form: https://bit.ly/2X93TqJ

What is volunteering?
It is the set of activities of general interest made involving voluntary activity, provided that they are not developed by virtue of a lucrative or remunerated relationship and whose nature is altruistic, supportive, free and is carried out in accordance with specific programs or principles.
The volunteer and his action constitute a significant contribution to social development, since they seek to promote participation, encourage cooperation and solidarity of society and the community in which it develops, as well as collaborate in the necessary resources to solve community problems.
Write to: voluntariado@cruzroja.gt
Contact us at (+502) 2381-6535 or (+502) 2381-6531; come to our office located on 3ra. Calle 8-40 zona 1 or to your nearest office.
Programa Juventud (Youth Program) is a component of the Volunteering Directorate, which seeks to promote the participation of children, teens and youth within Guatemalan Red Cross, through strategies and actions that contribute to the sustainable development of their communities and strengthening the National Society Delegations complying with facilitating action 1 of the Strategic Development Plan: “Build strong Delegations”.
Youth is key for building a strong Guatemalan Red Cross, and their permanence in the movement implies having organized and capable Delegations to evaluate and adopt concrete and sustainable measures for the risks and challenges identified.